Crate Expectations: There's crates in places you really wouldn't expect one, like in the middle of icy wastelands or just by a lava floe.This is despite the fact that the game is a linear puzzle platformer, with no possible choices to make except pushing forward. The narration will NOT let you hear the end of it, talking about your guilt and how you don't create anything, only destroy everything. The Void does not like it though, and as you make your way through various different worlds, at the end of each one the Void catches up with you, forcing you to flee and let the Void consume the world you just traversed through. You want to become an individual, independent being.

Blamed for Being Railroaded: You are a sentient piece of the Void.Auto-Scrolling Level: Multiple levels have you chased by The Void.All Deserts Have Cacti: Played straight in the desert levels.After the End: The game doesn't show you much of the world (since you're too busy trying to dodge The Void), but the City you do get to see is completely empty, implying that the Void has killed everyone else a long time ago.You will probably earn this in level 1-1. Achievement Mockery: There's an achievement for dying ten times in a row in any void mode level.